Have you tried FunkieHead.com?

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30, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 2

Have you tried FunkieHead.com?

from MKDan on 06/14/2015 03:55 PM

SodaHead was cool with a lot of pictures on its font page. The FunkiHead is really better than SodaHead when it comes to the number of features.



37, female

  Zangle Head Debator

Posts: 2

Re: Have you tried FunkieHead.com?

from UNEEQ on 06/15/2015 01:41 AM

No I haven't triend FunkieHead yet but I will have a look at it today and see what I think. 

I have a list of about 6 different sites plus FB. 



32, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 14

Re: Have you tried FunkieHead.com?

from SeanMcDonald on 06/18/2015 04:25 AM

Haven't but I will give it a try


Deleted user

Re: Have you tried FunkieHead.com?

from Scooter on 06/20/2015 05:56 PM

I havn't yet, but I put it in my favs so I can check it out later when I have more time.


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