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36, male

  Zangle Captain Debator

Posts: 2

Re: Review my SodaHead Alternative

from Cal on 06/17/2015 01:31 AM

No one huh? Well that's a bummer. Now even has notifications. Hell even the design looks almost like Sodahead.

Reply Edited on 06/17/2015 01:32 AM.


36, male

  Zangle Captain Debator

Posts: 2

Review my SodaHead Alternative

from Cal on 06/16/2015 08:24 AM

I spent two days building an old political forum into a SodaHead alternative. If you guys have some time please give some feedback. You don't have to join it, it'd be damn nice, but I really just feedback on design and such. Some people have joined up from old SH already. Not much going on though because it's so newish.


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