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80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Vote Obama for Cook County Surveyor

from cattastrophy on 08/28/2015 05:05 PM


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Well; have any of the Sodahead "rejects" shown up yet??

from cattastrophy on 08/02/2015 01:47 AM

Well I'm in for the long hall......God willing. Had a heart episode this morning. Nothing to go to the hospital over but enough to scare the bejesus out of Linda and I. Popped two nitro's and have been sitting on my fanny all day.

More worried about Nana as he is in bad health with that firbromyalgia thing. From what I understand it is a s.o.b. so I worry about her.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Well; have any of the Sodahead "rejects" shown up yet??

from cattastrophy on 07/31/2015 02:38 AM

So far only you and mariann have responded everyone else ignors.

And how have you been? Was talking with Nana this afternoon am going to call her again and we can connect with templer.

I can only assume you and nana have exchanged phone numbers and if so one of these days we are going to have to have a gab fest, if anything to catch up with what the Evil Left is doing.


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Well; have any of the Sodahead "rejects" shown up yet??

from cattastrophy on 07/27/2015 03:25 AM


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57


from cattastrophy on 07/23/2015 04:45 AM


Lets see who has the balls to comment.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Confederate Flag Controversy

from cattastrophy on 07/19/2015 03:53 AM

Don't understand these photos.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven

Reply Edited on 07/19/2015 04:00 AM.


80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57


from cattastrophy on 07/17/2015 11:57 PM


Yesterday July 16, 2015 Mohamad Abdulazeez stood outside a Military recruiting office and killed FOUR UNARMED U.S. MARINES even though ISIS has threatened other military bases. Later, yesterday, this @#$%^&* went after ANOTHER member of the military and A POLICE OFFICER who by the grace of God survived gunshots.

What got me was the phrase "heartbreaking circumstance in which the murdered Marines found themselves" that the President of the United States made in a press conference in the Oval Office. "HEARTBREAKING CIRCUMSTANCES" like these guys had a chance to defend themselves.

Now if the Obamaites can get their head out of their butts they will see how Berry has been ignoring Islam-inspired hate crimes against our troops since the 2009 Fort Hood massacre or the Oklahome beheadings as being politically correct in calling it "workplace violence."

Here's what I don't understand. These so called Washington warriors will bend over backward and move heaven and hell to please the Muslims, the Gays, the civil rights absolutists, U.S. Soldiers are literally being killed U.S. soil at the hands of those that praise Allah. However our "Commander In Chief can't even bother to give a live press conference yesterday about what happened in Tennessee.

HOWEVER, Obama gave another boring statement about our disarmed troops.

"Heartbreaking circumstance"? What is heartbreaking is the way Obama is running this country into the ground. What is heartbreaking how Obama is mocking the Constitution of the United States. What ois heartbreaking is the way Obama treats our troops here and abroad.

I can't help but wonder if Obama has forgotten when Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad walked into an Arkansas Army recruiting center, murdered Pvt. William Long and wounded Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula in June of 2009 (portions of this sentence courtesy of GOPUSA). With his reputation of being a Muslim and a supporter of the Koran I cannot help but wonder where his thoughts were.

Here this moron Abdulazeez is educated here in the United States, goes to college at TSU, GO TIGERS, and has it good here in the U.S.A. but NOOO this moron has to go and be jihadist and act like a damned fool, well now a DEAD FOOL....all in the name of ALLAH. Or, what about the beheadings in Oklahoma, all in the name of ALLAH.

What the "radical" Muslims are doing to the Americans are all coming out of the pockets of the U.S. taxpayers, but OBAMA DOES NOT SEE THAT, but what many Americans DO see is that it is ALL IN THE NAME OF ALLAH. What just happened in Tennessee is just a small sample of the retaliation that is to come and all in the name of Allah. This is NOT going to be that last attack on American citizens, and on THAT you can go to the bank on. We think Fort Hood was bad, that other massacres that have occurred since Obama has been in office are bad, all this is just a tip of the iceburg. I am willing to bet that before the 2016 elections there is going to an Islamic terriorsm attack that will put 911 to shame.

Many times, Obama came up with a very weak excuse showing some kind of "sadness", for his photo op's, over what had just occurred and has described things as a "senseless act of violence" instead of ;what it is AN ACT OF ISLAMIC TERRORIST.

First, in 2008 during Bush's last days but still fresh in the minds of Americans came the bombing in Times Square, then in 2009 during Obama's watch, the Little Rock AK attack thing, I'm sure Billy Boy Clinton was happy about that one, next Washington D.C. in 2010 then sometime in between I seem to remember something happening in Baltimore where some convert to Islam tried to blow up an enlistment center using a remote controlled bomb that turned out to be a dud, NOW we have this in Chattanooga.

Again thanks to GOPUSA I discovered that in June of 2011, the feds charged Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh of planning to use a machine gun to kill officers and employees of the DoD who worked at the recruiting centers located in the Seattle, Wash., and to kill anyone helping them.

Then just two years ago another Muslim called Jonathan Melaku shot up Marine, Coast Guard recruiting centers, National Museum of the Marine Corps, and atried to destroy graves at Arlington National Cemetery where soldiers of Iraq and Afghanistan are sleeping forever.

Then just 3 months ago in April of this year, this moron Mohammed Abdullah Hasan was arrested after he plotted to kill American soldiers Fort Riley.

I am taking a quote from GOPUSA and posting it because I really think it hits the nail right on the head. "Can someone ask the commander in chief: Do U.S. military lives matter enough yet to do more than issue a canned, obligatory condolence to the families of those who serve? How many more lives must be lost before he is as roused about our troops under jihad siege as he is about Bill Cosby, the Confederate flag, "Game of Thrones" or Caitlyn Jenner?"

ISIS computer geeks have hacked over 100 Military personal targeting what only I can guess as their families. Now with the threat level being set at 5 by the DoD I look for many terrorist things to happen in New York, Florida, California, Kansas, Oklahoma anywhere where there is a military base EVEN OBAMAS'S BELOVED HAWAII.


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Obama in his own words. What the Media hid from us.

from cattastrophy on 07/12/2015 05:55 AM

I sorta got offended in this video.

The girls are KIDS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TEENAGERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>those girls even though their parents are a pimple on the voters ass DID NOT ASK TO BE THRUSTED INTO THE LIMELIGHT.....................therefore I have this to say.......

YOUNG TURKS, and i subscribe to their videos, YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR SELF IN THE SHOES OF A PARENT. I am willing to bet that any son of a bitch that doesn't have sometyhing to say in defense of their kids needs to have them taken from them.

My children are God's gift to me and I take that very seriously.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57


from cattastrophy on 07/09/2015 04:19 PM

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

Here are the documented reasons on why the previous great empires fell.....they all had these in common:

Breakdown of family ..... Disintegration of the family structure ..... Loose morals ..... Rampantly engaged in homosexuality and adultery ..... Economy ..... Corruption of the central government ..... Social welfare programs ..... Ever increasing taxation ..... Personal debt as well as national debt ..... Failing to prepare their defense against others

Do you see the United States of America in any of those?

Cities Like Detroit all under the control of the Liberal Socialists are starting to falter and fall. If the United States of America is to continue to want to live then we as its keepers, its citizens, its taxpayers NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BEFORE WE HAVE ANOTHER FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, OTTOMAN EMPIRE.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Confederate Flag Controversy

from cattastrophy on 07/06/2015 04:22 PM

Chance, your remark "last time I looked, there was no Law against having opposing viewpoints afterall, this is America as you stated", has one flaw in it "OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS". I DARE YOU to go out in the street and call a homosexual a faggot or a queer or a fairy or a homo, see where it gets you now seeing that SCOTUS has set it in stone. I DARE YOU to go out in the street and call an African American the "N" word, a porch monkey, or some other "offensive" word to them. Hell, they even get upset when I am speaking spanish and use the word NEGRO, which means black in spanish.

BUT I DARE YOU to refuse to sell any of your products to a gay couple because of your RELIGIOUS BELIEFS...5 Supreme Court Justices seen to that and according to law YOU NO LONGER HAVE THE RIGHT TO YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. I DARE YOU to say something to an African American when they call you HONKEY, SODA CRACKER, WHITEY or someother "offensive" word 5 Supreme Court Justices seen to that and accordint to law IT IS CONSIDERED A HATE CRIME WHEN YOU DO IT TO THEM.

So Chance PLEASE tell me again about "OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS"?

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven

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