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80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

from cattastrophy on 07/06/2015 04:07 PM

Cezar, either you are ten fries shy of a happy meal or this country has done something mighty terrible to you for you to post such a thing about the American flag.

I am here to tell you that my ancestors fought for that flag and in this case those flags, some died so that people could have the right to do as they pleased as long as it was within limits. My father, never met him as he was killed in Normandy 6/6/1944 just 3 months before I was born. My step father the only man I really knew as "Dad" spent the last two years in a German Concentration Camp where he was tortured and had both knees shot off. I was in VietNam, you remember the war that no one really wanted that the politicians got us into. I seen things that would curl your hair. My best friend has himself splattered all over me and I can still remember part of his upper instine dangling off my head, all we could send hom was his dog tags.

I feel offended that you would even post such photos but then again this IS America and you STILL have the right to offend if you want to.


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Today's Devotion ......"Jesus Is There Thourgh The Storms "

from cattastrophy on 07/06/2015 03:51 PM

Cindy THAT was beautiful and OH SO TRUE.

I may not be the Christian that people think I should be because of the way I act with my language but I look at it this the end of the day I can lay my head on my pillow and the only one that I have to atone to for what I did that way is God and Jesus.

I say not and I have always said you can take everything from me, you can even cut out my tongue to silence me but one thing you cannot take from me till I am dead is my God and my Jesus. I keep telling people I believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible, now I may not read it but I know it is there when I need it...and lately I am needing it a lot with the latest rulings by those that are pretending to be God, you and I know them as the Supreme Justices.

But one thing about that scenerio is this ... I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO GOD FOR THEIR DECISIONS.

Thank you Cindy for that bit of devotion today. It was welcomed in MY home.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Thoughts of An Average American

from cattastrophy on 07/06/2015 03:37 PM

Well, I for one cant help to wonder what the hell it is going to be like when Obama Junior takes over? You and I know her has Hitlery, I mean Hillary.

With the way the Liberals spend money to get their candidateds elected Hilly is a shoe in for sure. So far this is what they have versus what we have

THEM -- Democrats ▸ Lincoln Chafee. Hillary Clinton. Martin O'Malley. Bernie Sanders. Jim Webb.

US -- Republicans ▸ Jeb Bush. Ben Carson. Chris Christie. Ted Cruz. Carly Fiorina. Lindsey Graham. John Kasich. Mike Huckabee. Bobby Jindal. George Pataki. Rand Paul. Rick Perry. Marco Rubio. Rick Santorum. Donald Trump.

With THEM they have the big bucks of the UNIONS with US all we have is Donald Trump that claims he is not running under the Republican party. None of the others in have the bucks, Trump has more money and could if the people allow wiin because the money he spends out in campaign spending can all be got back in just a matter of months.

Yes, it is true that Trump is a business man and that he lost all his money at one time but we all have to remember he migtht be one of those that learns by his mistakes but running the type of business he is in is a whole different game of Monopoly.

To be honest with you Cindy after the way Obama has screwed up this country and such I am not sure if ANY they or us can repair the damage he has done.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Well; have any of the Sodahead "rejects" shown up yet??

from cattastrophy on 07/03/2015 04:09 AM


I used to also be Constitution Believer but because of the liberals there I became cattastrophy.

But I see you are the same sweet looking beauty you always have been, the puppy i mean. You well you are still betzand just as sweet as always.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Confederate Flag Controversy

from cattastrophy on 06/30/2015 10:34 PM

I'm sorry but I fail to see the difference between the Confederate Flag, the Gay Pride flag, the POW/MIA flag.

They are flags that wave in the breeze. They wave at the home, parades, and flagpoles of people and cities.

Why the big fuss over a damn piece of red cloth with a blue and white "X" on it with 13 stars on the blue X? BECAUSE OBAMA HAS MADE IT A POINT. He did in his spew to that congregation.

People, you need to grow up and quit acting like children squabbling over something so trivial

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Sarah Palin Just Received TRAGIC News - Please Pray for Sarah!

from cattastrophy on 06/30/2015 10:17 PM

for fox to do something like that someone would have to have had done something really bad and I dont see that. What I DO see is Palin started to complain about the time difference and fox was not willing to compromise.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

from cattastrophy on 06/30/2015 06:32 PM

You mark my words Doofie...Hitler started out the same way. Get my meaining?

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

from cattastrophy on 06/30/2015 06:30 PM

The lying son of a bitch. I'm a gun owner and I SUPPORT THE CONFEDERATE FLAG.

The damn thing is just a symble. It represents a part of history now. Just because the blacks associate it with slavery that is their problem.

Next thing you know they are going to be bitching about the American flag saying it is associated with Capitalism...or something.

That freaking battle took place over one hundred years ago. TALK ABOUT FORGIVE AND FORGET.

Ever notice that when a Democrat wants something lately they bitch and moan until they get it?  (speaking like a homo) (hand on hip) AINT THAT RIGHT SWEETY.


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Backlash to Supreme Court's Decision Comes Fast and Furious :by Gary DeMar

from cattastrophy on 06/27/2015 10:30 PM

Well it looks like that sorry S.O.B. in the White House finally got his way.

I can remember him once saying that the United States is no longer a Christian Nation....and boy he sure meant it didn't he?

Sorry but I cqan only wish him nothing but ill harm for the rest of his life.....but knowing the ignorance of him and his supporters they have already made him a living martyr.

The only thing I can do today is vomit at the thought of what my beloved country has become.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: TPP Passes: Obama Now A Dictator

from cattastrophy on 06/27/2015 08:25 PM

That's because so many people want the government to take care of then.

They either rob, kill, scam, or just plain use eminate domain to take from us. But the sad part about this is THE SHEEPLE DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO STAND THEIR GROUND AND TELL THE GOVERNMENT THIS IS WRONG OR THIS IN NOT RIGHT.



Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven

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