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Die Suche lieferte 5 Ergebnisse:


58, Weiblich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 5

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

von leasheryn am 04.07.2015 02:24

Obama is living in dreamland again.



58, Weiblich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 5

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

von leasheryn am 03.07.2015 02:22

Hmm hmmm. Yep... Well...I denounce Obama.  So there...and than some.



58, Weiblich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 5

Open Remarks to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

von leasheryn am 26.06.2015 07:59

Let me begin, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, by expressing a short word of gratitude to you for finally breaking your silence in the way of an apology toward the people you so grievously injured just over two years ago, on April 15, 2013, during the Boston Marathon. Whether you were indeed sincere in your utterances or whether your words came too little, too late, it was gracious of you to step forward in an attempt to make some sort of peace with what you have done. Thank you for taking the time to consider your feelings, put your thoughts into words and stand before an audience who could be viewed only as a hostile one toward not only the atrocity your have perpetrated upon them but also toward you as a person.


From the day of the bombing and henceforward, your name will be linked forevermore with this horrific act of violence. Your name will now become synonymous with the words evil, callous, cruel and despicable. This is who you are, the person you have created by your actions and by your deeds. It is you who have created this persona; it is your who are responsible for an act that created numerous injuries to innocent people who were out for a day of fun and who went home with dramatic changes to their lives, to their minds and to their bodies. It is you who have taken to lives of four people who were cherished by their families, who were living good lives and who clearly did not deserve to have their lives cut short due to your fallacies.

You immediately attempted to lay the entire blame of your joint bloody escapade upon your elder brother's shoulders after you placed yourself forever more in his shadow. Did you think you were going to fade away into the background, as though you were never there, after the deed was completed? Were you that annoying little brother who would never go away until your brother finally demanded you hang back a foot or so and pretend you are invisible? Is this who you are? Is this who you became? No one more than your brother's shadow, there at his beck and call until he is no longer there to defend himself so you could finally lay all the blame on him like a viper ready to strike when your vile deceitful game came to a swift halt. No, you were always an equal partner in your act of destruction and you will pay the penalty for your evil deeds.

In the days of your youth, your parents brought you to America as a refugee from your native Russia. You spent your formative years upon the fruits of our labors, received our charity because you were poor and far from the land of your birth. You went to our schools, enjoyed our education and made friends with other children your own age. Many of your friends were born here in the United States, while others, like you, came from distant lands. This is not an unusual occurrence in this country we call America. Many of us came from distant lands and, if we were born here, our ancestors heard the call of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. We are, each of us, different in our own ways. We draw upon the different cultures of all the differing lands our forbearers brought along with them from their homelands. Although we all have different ideas of how to become Americans, we all have several things in common. We have thoughts and feelings, joys and sorrows, we laugh, we cry, we feel happy and are capable of great sadness, we hurt when others hurt and seek to bring comfort to our fellow man or woman when they are in need of such comfort. We DO NOT run rampant in the streets or in the cities, where young children are gathered with their parents for a joyful outing. We do not visit our hardship or our sorrows or our disagreements, unmercifully, upon others. We treat others with compassion, not with hatred.

There was a time, not so long ago, when you, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, decided you wished to become one of us. You raised your hand and swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. You accepted this life as your own on September 11, 2012—a day set aside in observance to remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2002; a day known as Patriot Day. Did you happen to recall this piece of information during that other Patriot's Day, April 15, 2013—a mere 8 months later—when you set out upon your despicable act of violence that killed 3 people and hurt so many? Did it occur to you while you were hiding in a boat, after you killed a fourth innocent man and ended the life of your partner in crime, that your fate had fallen on yet another significant day in history: April 19, 2013—a day set aside to commemorate the battles of Lexington and Concord, also known as Patriot's Day.

You have been found guilty of the crimes you have perpetrated and have now been sentenced to your appointment with death. Each day, each minute, each hour brings you one step closer to the final chapter in your short but tempestuous life. As the minutes tick by, it is my sincere hope that you will remember the names, the faces, and the ages of the people who you recklessly murdered. It is my sincere hope that they visit you nightly in your cell, in your dreams and in your waking moments every day until the day arrives when you walk into the death chamber. They will always be with you. Think often of each of them. Think of their cries of pain and their anguish and never loose sight of what you have done to them, their families and all the others your treachery has affected. Remember, they are Boston Strong...and we, the rest of us, who have also been affected...WE ARE AMERICA STRONG!!



58, Weiblich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 5

Hillary...The All Mighty Being of Great Benevolence?

von leasheryn am 16.06.2015 05:29

Drag out your Beanie Babies, Dust off your Furby, Dig out your Boy Band Records, Decide "Where in the World is Carmen Santiago" and Draw on your pantsuit. Or, if you prefer, Pull your hair back in a couple Butterfly Clips, Pop a Game in your Game Boy, Play with your "My Pretty Pony" and Pamper yourself by re-watching Titanic. Yep, you got it...the Queen of the 90s is back (yet again) and she's running for President.


And not only is Hillary Clinton back but she is back with the same old song and dance routine. She's the defender of the poor, the downtrodden and the derelict. That's right. You cannot live without her. She is here to fight for you, to protect you and to see to it, by the end of the day, you are still poor, downtrodden and derelict. And, if you are all of the above, Boy Howdy, you have won the lottery, you have hit the jackpot. Hillary is here for you. She will fight with everything she has to make sure you stay that way...and like it.

Hillary Clinton wants you to believe she is relevant. This relic from the 90s knows exactly what you are going through and she understands. She is compassionate because she knows what it's like to be poor, downtrodden and derelict. After all, she watched her mother and she saw, from the lofty heights of her narcissistic ego, what it was like for her mother and perhaps, she found room in her heart of hearts to feel sorry for dear old mom. And perhaps, she decided somewhere in her soul to grow up and help others who might be in the same circumstances as dear old mom...just as long as she never had to get her hands dirty making a living the same way mother did it. And kicked aside anyone who got in her way as she crawled up the ladder of success.

Yes, Hillary Clinton needs you to need her. You cannot survive without her kind and gracious helping hand. She needs you to believe you are worthless and in desperate need of all the assistance she can give you. She is here to instill in you such a feeling of self-pity and self-degradation that your very existence depends upon the charity she is willing to bestow upon you...all so you can bow before her, kiss her feet and praise her as you would praise an All Mighty Being of Great Benevolence.

Hillary Clinton has pledged and promised to help you. And you can take her at her word. She will help you in the same way and as much as she helped Chris Stevens in Benghazi, when he called upon her and pleaded with her for mercy during what he knew to be his last moments upon this earth. You can depend upon it. For sure and for certain, she will be there for you in a flash. Uh-huh. Yep. Right after she decides you make as much difference to her as Chris Stevens did...because that's how much she cares.

In reality, you don't need Hillary Clinton as much as Hillary Clinton needs you. Hillary has joined a long parade of other men and women who think they can run the United States of America just as well as they have proven they can run their mouths. She, along with all the rest of them, will put themselves up on the stump as they beg and plead for you to pay attention to them. Over the next year and a half or so, they will all show up in select towns, cities and meeting places to sell their wares. They will tell you the best things about themselves and the worst things about everyone else in their party of wannabees. They will all, in one way or another participate in the same old song and dance routine we have witnessed again and again until the most popular candidate takes the lead. It's a desperate game for the final prize. Hillary, along with the rest of them, has nothing new to sell. The truth is, you don't need Hillary as much as she wants you to think you do. She needs you. She's the seller; you're the buyer. You are not here to serve her; she is here to serve you. Put yourself in control; not her.



58, Weiblich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 5

Chalkboard Drawings Frozen in Time for 100 Years

von leasheryn am 11.06.2015 05:06


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