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99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

von ozzyboy am 03.07.2015 03:35

Betz, he still has enough time to still do more serious damage and I'm pretty sure he will go hillbent () for leather!



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Sarah Palin Just Received TRAGIC News - Please Pray for Sarah!

von ozzyboy am 28.06.2015 04:48

I like her but I don't see this as tragic. It is life and she will deal with it like we all have to.



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Whitewashing the Democratic Party's History

von ozzyboy am 28.06.2015 04:46

Good post! Too bad so many do not do their research and just blindly believe what the bias media tells them. I just read the history of the KKK this morning. All this ballyhoo over the flag had me reading about it. I wish people would pay attention.



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

von ozzyboy am 28.06.2015 04:37

He is just getting started!



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Ben Carson Had a Mic-Dropping Response To An Atheist Who Denigrated His Belief in God

von ozzyboy am 27.06.2015 03:43

Excellent! Thanks for a good laugh.



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: TPP Passes: Obama Now A Dictator

von ozzyboy am 27.06.2015 03:41

Congress just gave negoiating power to the guy who did the Bergdahl deal? Really?  If TTP is so good for the country, why would they have to renew a law that allows retraining funding for those who are thrown out of work because of this monstrosity? This is yet another shell game designed to weaken America again. It doesn't seem like there is anyone looking out for everyday working Americans.



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Carly Fiorina’s Common Sense on Illegal Immigration : By Onan Coca

von ozzyboy am 20.06.2015 03:22

Carly is definitely fun to listen to. I hope more people pay attention to her. A Walker/Fiorina ticket would be great.



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: KISS OUR ANTI-GOVT @SS: NYT Says, Anti-Govt Types Are The Source Of 'Ideological Violence' in USA

von ozzyboy am 20.06.2015 03:16

Cat, doofie brings us a ton of information so it can be overlooked if we have to go hunting for her linked information.
It wasn't a whiteboy, it was a white thug who shot up those innocent people and I completely agree with you that we stand with the black community on this one. 



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: The truth about SodaHead .com part 2

von ozzyboy am 19.06.2015 07:51

I can't help but wonder if this is a test for voting in the next election. See how easily we can become irrelevant?



99, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 16

Re: Is your house cleaner?

von ozzyboy am 18.06.2015 03:29

No, I spent SH time looking for it's replacement and trying to find SH friends. I'm glad to see so many here.

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