Suche nach Beiträgen von Rodney

Die Suche lieferte 8 Ergebnisse:


70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

von Rodney am 03.07.2015 05:35

Once again, Barry never allows facts get in the way of an agenda, does he? In one poll I found on whether the flag is racist, it was split 42% to 42%. In another asking the same question it was much different, 29% said yes, the flag is racist while 71% said NO. Of the few gun sites I was able to find, few if any felt the Flag had to go. Most felt as I do, it represents States Rights, NOT slavery. Consider this, only 3% of southern families owned slaves.



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: What is your favorite holiday?

von Rodney am 19.06.2015 07:26

I'm a little sappy. Valentines day. LOL



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: Wait-staff and tips

von Rodney am 15.06.2015 06:47

Wait-staff should be allowed to keep what tips they get. Good waters get more while the bad get less. If a waiter/waitress is getting low tips, they need to question why. If the tips are polled, the bad ones get a free ride while the good ones get screwed.



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: What is your favorite recipe, to cook for yourself and/or others?

von Rodney am 15.06.2015 06:42

I have several faves. I like making my Texas style chili that can feed me for a week if I use it like buritto stuffing. Best part is, I can stretch a pound of beef over a whole week. My other fave is Mandirin Chicken over a bed of rice and shredded lettuce.

Mandarin Sauce


1 cup Crushed Tomato's
½ cup crushed pineapple
½ cider vinegar
1 ½ cup sugar
1 ½ teaspoon ginger
½ cup diced green pepper
1 Tablespoon Soy sauce

Simmer until sugar is dissolved. Thicken with cornstarch dissolved in cold water.
Preparing Chicken: best to use boneless, but not a necessity. Season chicken, roll in corn starch then dip in egg wash. Fry until done. To serve: Place chicken on a bed of rice and shredded lettuce and pour sauce over the top.



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: House Republican: Tax Refund Money Illegally Funding Obamacare Program : BY MICHAEL WARREN

von Rodney am 14.06.2015 05:59

No surprise Barry is doing this. The entire program will collapse before long. In my state, which opted to set up a State program will have to dip into the "Rainy Day Fund" next year to the tune of 9 million unless they can sucker more folks to drop what they have and buy Obamacare.



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: Well; have any of the Sodahead "rejects" shown up yet??

von Rodney am 14.06.2015 04:28

Hello everyone. Good to see a place we can gather that isn't FB based. Screw those crooks at SH.

Space Invader, Doofie turned me on to this place as well.



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: Some are thinking of leaving the site

von Rodney am 14.06.2015 02:55

Hi ya HD. I am still figuring things out, so hang in there. Hopefully, it will become more refined as we use it and we, old geezers get it fingured out. LOL



70, Männlich

  Zangle Expert

Beiträge: 8

Re: RELIGION OF PEACE: Muslim Strangles His 3 Daughters to Death to Avoid ‘Wasting Money’ On Their Education

von Rodney am 14.06.2015 12:35

Sadly, none of your links transferred as active. Knowing you, as I do, I know they are good links. This is a spreading problem that even civilized countries are not staying on top of and sometimes ignore when it happens in their own nation. I don't understand why so many leaders and law enforcement are turning a blind eye to the Muslim immigrants and their refusals to assimilate and obey the laws of a civilized country.


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