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Die Suche lieferte 3 Ergebnisse:


75, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 3

Re: Obama denounces the confederate flag and insists he is backed by 'majority' of gun owners

von cindy67 am 04.07.2015 12:08

So very true what you stated Rodney .   Obama-Slime  loves to be a DICTATOR and keep doing what he dose best .... DESTROYING  America !! Everything that has anything to do with America is bad in his eyes ..of you can not have, you can not do, and he loves to take away from us !!



75, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 3

Today's Devotion ......"Jesus Is There Thourgh The Storms "

von cindy67 am 04.07.2015 12:02

Today at 10:35 AM


 Here is today's Devotion....

"Jesus Is There Through The Storms"

The other day as raindrops scatter across my windows of my home as the storm is going on outside. As I curl up to spend time praying. And these words come to my heart: "When all is said and done the storms I go through in life and what is happening in this world with all going on. The one thing I know ....I get to go home to Jesus."

In the moment as I sit I'm having my time for Him to put all my burdens and fears , and cares before the Lord. So many things happening in the world and I wonder why ? But I smile as I realize God is in control and he has the plans set for what is to be . I know no matter what happens in this life, when all is said and done we get to go home to Jesus for eternity.

That reality gives us the strength and courage to serve: Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet. John 13:3-5

We are called to be foot-washers and holy risk takers, too. To step outside our comfort zones, face the storms. We can only do that if we are sure of where we're ultimately headed and who will be waiting for us.

I close my eyes and all the questioning stops. I remember again that I am loved and Jesus loves us all . It is not because of what I do but because of who I belong to. Home is where my heart is and I'm not in heaven yet. But I'm learning this: Home is also Who's within my heart.

And as I whisper a prayer while the storm subsides, and knowing there will be many paths of storms on this earth the one thing I know is Jesus is there.



75, Weiblich

  Zangle Head Debator

Beiträge: 3

Re: Thoughts of An Average American

von cindy67 am 03.07.2015 11:57

Very good Doffie and you are so right in your wonderful post!! To many EVIL ones trying to make this country of ours a Godless and un American ways as we knew before DCTATOR OBAMA-SLIME CAME TO BE !!!


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