ISIS: Still Raging Hell as White House Dithers : Sonya Sasser

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86, female

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 355

ISIS: Still Raging Hell as White House Dithers : Sonya Sasser

from Doofiegirl on 06/18/2015 03:56 PM

After President Obama was criticized last week for not having a "complete strategy" to defeat the brutal terror group ISIS (Islamic State), he has now approved sending up to 450 additional U.S. troops to Iraq primarily to equip and train more Iraqis. But is this really going to make a difference?
Especially since the U.S. has already spent $25 billion in aid, investing in training and equipping the Iraqi military, only to have those brave warriors run from ISIS militants like high school cheerleaders. Not to mention the fact that the extremists captured significant quantities of US-manufactured weapons (from Iraqis) and have used them on the battlefield. The definition of insanity is attempting the same strategy over and over again expecting a different result.
As FOX host Bill O'Reilley pointed out, "Sending a few hundred more folks into Iraq because you're embarrassed, Mr. President, not a plan."
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (Ret.) added, "The president has decided to take advice from his civilian advisors with no military experience, rather than from serious military planners. You cannot possibly defeat the Islamic State with these airstrikes controlled by lawyers."
It's been a year since ISIS began raping and pillaging its way through Iraq's Nineveh province, emptying the city of Mosul of its Christian population. Since then, ISIS has captured Fallujah and Ramadi, two other major cities U.S. troops fought and died to secure before Obama took office. The brutal regime has driven tens of thousands from Northern Iraq, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered thousands of Iraqi soldiers, raped hundreds of women and young girls, and committed countless beheadings, including that of Americans James Foley and Steven Sotloff.
There is estimated to be 31,000 militants on the fields of Iraq and Syria, doubling their number since last fall.
ISIS is much more than the "JV team" President Obama once described, and it's not going away any time soon. It is an established army with thirty-five square miles of prime Middle East real estate, raking in nearly up to $3 million per day in revenue.
The ultimate long-term goal of ISIS is to expand its current state to the four corners of the earth, imposing Sharia law on all mankind and either slaughtering those who do not comply, or forcing them to live a humiliating second-class existence. Of course, it does indeed, have the United States in its sights. In fact, the group is already attempting to use Libya as its new 'route to the West'.
According to FOX News:;
"Islamic State terrorists are said to be using Libya ‎as an "entry point" into Europe, with intelligence sources on the ground in Africa telling Fox News at least 30 ISIS fighters who left from the country have been "picked up" by the Italians in recent weeks.
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80, male

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Posts: 57

Re: ISIS: Still Raging Hell as White House Dithers : Sonya Sasser

from cattastrophy on 06/18/2015 10:43 PM

Doofie, this is one time I have to disagree with post.


I have a very dear frined of mine who is a retired police chief. We are so close that we seem to know what each other is going to do before we do it.

He retired 6 weeks befor 9/11/2001, and fact being we were to have a birthday party at his house, mainly because ofhis pool, the day the towers fell. Some birthday I had that day. Needless to say the party was cancelled. We each tried to do our patriotic duty in retaliation for what Osma did that day. Bush make it quite clear that OBL was responsible for this...and as a sidebar ever notice the closeness of the names OSama and OBama?

He and his wife decided to travel to New York to help with the rescue and later to Iraq to teach the Iraqi how to be police officers. After all he did teach classes at the Police in Toledo three times a week. About a week later Denny was on his way to Iraq by invitation of the Iraqi government to train some of their men to be police officers.

I decided, with the permission of my wife to take my discharge down to the Marine recruiters office to show I was an Officer in the Army and that I wanted to do my part. Well, it is quite evident that I did not get my chance to put a cap in Osamas ass but what made me damned proud and American was the recuriter handed back my discharge, I though I was in the military again, and stood ordered the other recruiters in the office to stand and all saluted me with the recuriter telling me I had did my duty to my country already in VietNam. Doofie, I was so damned proud that day that I would not help but salute them back and thanked them all for THEIR service to my country.

I went home and cried like a baby.

That's why when Obama opens his pie hole I know that nothing but bullschitt is going to come out.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven


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