Thoughts of An Average American

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86, female

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 355

Thoughts of An Average American

from Doofiegirl on 07/03/2015 09:36 PM

My Fellow Americans,
Tomorrow is July 4th, commonly known as Independence Day here in America. Unfortunately, to those on the left, it has become nothing more than a reflection of our nation's version of Original Sin.
For the Left, Two Hundred and Thirty Nine years ago tomorrow we White Christian Heterosexual Males launched an oppressive campaign on minorities, every minority; Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jew, Muslim, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Atheist, Brown Eyed, Lisp Speaking, Extra Toed freak to come out of a womb. "WE" have done nothing to create a better life for these people.
600,000 of "US" didn't die for Black Freedom in the Civil War.
"WE" didn't pay $15,000,000.00 for the land "WE" won from Mexico in the Mexican/American War.
"WE" have not allowed religious freedom in this country for 239 years dispite our Anglo Saxon Protestant origins.
"WE" didn't enter a war that had raged for four years and cost the lives of millions of British, French, German, Russian, Japanese and two dozen other nationalities while sacrificing hundreds of thousdands of U.S. lives for their freedom, not once, but twice.
"WE" didn't enter wars in Asia to stop communisim from spreading their oppresive ways on poor people around the world while sacrificing nearly 60,000 of our citizens again, for their freedom.
"WE" didn't go into Afghanistan and Iraq and bring with it the first chance in 500 years for them to have a chance of a free life.
"WE" didn't do any of these things because we hate minorities, the Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jew, Muslim, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Atheist, Brown Eyed, Lisp Speaking, and any Extra Toed freak to come out of a womb.
But what if we had? What if we had done all those things but we didn't believe Gay Marriage was akin to Heterosexual Marriage? What if we had done all those things but didn't think the Confederate Flag was all that offensive or believed Black Americans to be smart enough to decern the difference in meaning it has today as a defeated ideal vs the meaning it did 150 years ago.
And it's too bad we made it impossible to change any of these horrible wrongs we perpetrated on minorites through stopping them from bringing law suits against those they felt discriminated by. But what if we had not stood in the way and allowed these cases to go all the way to the SCOTUS? What if we had...
If you have not caught on by now "WE" in fact did do all these things listed above. We did die by the millions for the freedom of others, even those we disagreed with, because it was right. One of the reasons you have your "new" rights is because we DID NOT use any "White Priviledge" to stop it because we simply don't have the power you assign to "US".
So maybe, as the sun rises tomorrow and you pull out your rainbow flags and your Black Power banners and your "Black Lives Matter" posters and your "Immigrants Built This Country" T-Shirts, maybe just maybe, you take a moment and get down on one knee and say thank you to those Slave Owning, Bigoted, Bible Thumping Gay Haters who were forward thinking enough to put in the founding documents the means of your "liberation.
But what would I know; I'm just an Average American.
PS: Please Share.



75, female

  Zangle Head Debator

Posts: 3

Re: Thoughts of An Average American

from cindy67 on 07/03/2015 11:57 PM

Very good Doffie and you are so right in your wonderful post!! To many EVIL ones trying to make this country of ours a Godless and un American ways as we knew before DCTATOR OBAMA-SLIME CAME TO BE !!!



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Thoughts of An Average American

from cattastrophy on 07/06/2015 03:37 PM

Well, I for one cant help to wonder what the hell it is going to be like when Obama Junior takes over? You and I know her has Hitlery, I mean Hillary.

With the way the Liberals spend money to get their candidateds elected Hilly is a shoe in for sure. So far this is what they have versus what we have

THEM -- Democrats ▸ Lincoln Chafee. Hillary Clinton. Martin O'Malley. Bernie Sanders. Jim Webb.

US -- Republicans ▸ Jeb Bush. Ben Carson. Chris Christie. Ted Cruz. Carly Fiorina. Lindsey Graham. John Kasich. Mike Huckabee. Bobby Jindal. George Pataki. Rand Paul. Rick Perry. Marco Rubio. Rick Santorum. Donald Trump.

With THEM they have the big bucks of the UNIONS with US all we have is Donald Trump that claims he is not running under the Republican party. None of the others in have the bucks, Trump has more money and could if the people allow wiin because the money he spends out in campaign spending can all be got back in just a matter of months.

Yes, it is true that Trump is a business man and that he lost all his money at one time but we all have to remember he migtht be one of those that learns by his mistakes but running the type of business he is in is a whole different game of Monopoly.

To be honest with you Cindy after the way Obama has screwed up this country and such I am not sure if ANY they or us can repair the damage he has done.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven


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