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80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Cornel West: Obama the First 'N*ggerized' President "White supremacy is American as cherry pie." : Bradford Thomas

from cattastrophy on 06/27/2015 08:18 PM

Well, Doc we do agree there about him being an actor and giving a schitt less about the people. He does put on a good show but sadly not everyone seems to want to put him out of business.

The sheeple are scared of him. They are afraid of "OFFENDING" him and or someone involved with the Government. Something like back in the 1930's when Hitler started to rule Germany and turn it in to a Nazi state.

Doc, I still remember the horror stories my uncle told me of his days in the SS and the things that Hitler ordered him to do. And Nazi Germany started out just like this...removing one freedom at a time....

Doc we only have 17 more months to put up with Obama BUT I have a feeling that he is going to either abolish the 22nd amendment or alter it so that he can be "ruler of America" After all the last time it was ratified was in 1951, you do the math.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Conservatives React to Supreme Court Forcing Gay Marriage on America [ by Onan Coca

from cattastrophy on 06/27/2015 07:09 PM

I am so sick of this country.

I never thought in a million years that I would ever talk about the land that I was born in and the land of my ancestors were born in. Trust me Doofie, this Apache and those before me are the sadest in the land. White man took our land. Now a black man took my religious right from me.

If people reading this cannot tell that they are living in a land that has become communistic then they are as blind as that man with a white cane or seeing eye dog.

This time the people have no one to blame but themselves, why, because they didn't have to guts to stand their ground and like the sheeple they are just let things go the way of the minority.

In days past it used to be MAJORITY RULES meaning the voice of the people was heard. This latest ruling just proved that it is THE MINORITY THAT WON. O(h, yea, the liberals are going to say that the majority won but, sorry, I would not call 5-4 with a majority of 9 people a MAJORITY OF THE POPULUS.

I believe there was a lot of pressure from the White House over this. Here you do the math.

It is estimated that there are 306 million people here in the United States. It is estimated that there are only 6 million gays.

Now that last time I went to school, without common core, 300 million is greater than 6 million. BUT, with the new common core math 6 million is greater then 300 million.

Soon my wife and I will be packing our things and moving. I have been here 71 years she has been here 68 years. We have a place up in Canada where we don't have to put up with the crap that is happening here in the United States.

Sorry but I cannot put up with the corruption of a government that is set on destruction. I love my country but it is the government that I don't love.

Doofie tell me I am wrong in my decision.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Open Remarks to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

from cattastrophy on 06/27/2015 03:10 AM

leasheryn, did you author that remark? If you did girl you need to be given a medal for it. Talk about moving experiences.

OMG I cannot say enough GIRL YOU GOT IT GOING FOR YOU.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Cornel West: Obama the First 'N*ggerized' President "White supremacy is American as cherry pie." : Bradford Thomas

from cattastrophy on 06/26/2015 04:36 AM

Doofie, we have to remember who we are talking about you or I cannot use the word nigger, niggerized, or even negro but if we had the last name of Obama and we were black than that would be ok to say them.

Everyday I have to hear the word NIGGER. It is nigga this and nigga that the blacks use the word just like a Marine uses cuss words. When you bring it to their attention that it is not allowed they tell you "F" YOU CRACKER, or some other bullschitt thing that keeps the race card showing.

They want us to respect them yet they dont want to respect us. It is their way or no way.



































































































































































































Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Confederate Flag Controversy

from cattastrophy on 06/25/2015 07:39 PM

Mopvyzo USA, here is my opinion and it may just piss YOU off.

The Confederate flag is nothing more then a piece of cloth with a black x on it with a bunch of stars....THAT'S ALL THE DAMN THING IS.....A FLAG.

Now people are pissing and moaning about the flag of the south BUT THEY KEEP THEIR DAMNED MOUTHS SHUT WHEN IT COME TO THE QUEER FLAG.

People say the Confederate flag represents OPPRESSION


Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: Hillary and History : Thomas Sowell

from cattastrophy on 06/25/2015 07:29 PM

Doofie I had to laugh at the opening statement that she made on Roosevelet Island in New York City earlier this month about her being the only "qualified woman"

Yep she is the only "qualified woman" and fact being she is the ONLY woman. Now you know what saddens me the most? And this is not meant to be an insult because you are a woman but Hitlery is going to get elected just like Obama did the first time. People elected him because he was black and felt that now was the time for a black president. Well people are going to vote for Hitlery because they fell now is the time for a woman President.

The entire country knows that Hitlery is a liar. The entire country knows that Hitlery is a crook. The entire country know that Hitlery is NOT PRESIDENT MATERIAL but they are going to put her in office any way....MARK MY WORDS Doofie.l

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: KISS OUR ANTI-GOVT @SS: NYT Says, Anti-Govt Types Are The Source Of 'Ideological Violence' in USA

from cattastrophy on 06/21/2015 07:43 PM

Ozzy, normally I am screaming just the opposite of what is happening here.

THUG? Ozzy I have a totally different term but it would not be allowed here.

What upsets me the most is that those poor people were not even cold on a slab before Obama took the opportunity to get hit soap box out and start with the gun thing....maybe his motto is seize the opportunity before the idea is gone.

Yes they caught this little *&^%$ and from what I have seen of him if he don't take the insanity plea he IS CRAZY, but now is not the time to start with your anti gun lest let the people bury their dead before campaigning for  your anti gun thingy. But, alas Obama does not think like that.

Yes I stand with the black community on this issue and yes they have my prayers and are in my thoughts but before things get out of hand like in Ferguson or Baltimore let things die down....AND FOR GOD'S SAKE ............KEEP.....AL SHARPTON.....AND......JESSE JACKSON..................AWAY.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Obama's Unilateral Presidency Crashes Into the Constitution

from cattastrophy on 06/19/2015 05:10 AM

By Liz Peek June 17, 2015 6:15 AM

Bam! That's the sound of President Obama smacking head first into our nation's system of checks and balances. It turns out that you actually can't run the country all by yourself, even if you're the smartest fellow in the room. That's proving quite a shock to our legacy-hungry commander in chief, who is responding to various setbacks with increasing indignation and hauteur. But, never, ever, moderation.

Related Stories

1. Obama: No reason for Supreme Court to overturn healthcare law Reuters 2. Obama Is Now Dangerously Close to Lame Duck Status The Fiscal Times 3. Has Congress prepared for a blockbuster Obamacare ruling? Christian Science Monitor 4. King v. Burwell: The Supreme Court case that could gut Obamacare, explained 5. Most Americans want Congress to ensure Obamacare subsidies: poll Reuters

Mr. Obama has pursued an ambitious agenda since he entered the White House, increasingly acting alone. Ever since he won passage of Obamacare in 2010 through an odious series of back-room favors, and then got burned looking for a "Grand Bargain" on the budget with House Speaker John Boehner, he has eschewed the normal horse-trading with Congress and chosen to govern instead through executive actions and regulations.

Related: Obama Says King v. Burwell Is an Easy Case

Just as his favored military option is clean-hands drone attacks, he has kept his dealings with Congress sanitary, at arm's length. That fastidious approach now threatens his second-term program. Not only is Congress balking, but also the Supreme Court could block several of Mr. Obama's cherished programs. He has only himself to blame.

On the griddle currently is the president's Trans Pacific Trade pact, which Democrats in Congress oppose. Members of his own party snubbed President Obama's humiliating last-ditch overtures -- a rare visit to Congress and schmoozing Nancy Pelosi at a baseball game. According to The Atlantic, he promised goodies galore – rides on Air force One, Oval Office visits and campaign help for those willing to vote for his bill. He hoped to counter AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka's reported threats that Big Labor will mount primary challenges against those who back the trade measure.

The offers – and the jawboning -- from the increasingly lame duck president flopped. Representative Peter Defazio from Oregon told reporters, "The President tried to both guilt people and impugn their integrity. I was insulted." Another House Democrat, according to CNN, said Obama "was fine until he turned at the end and became indignant and alienated some folks." Republicans were not shocked; Obama has impugned their integrity as well as their honesty and patriotism repeatedly over the past seven years.

The TPP is essential to Obama's foreign policy legacy. Elsewhere, his adventures overseas have been disastrous. The president has created a power vacuum in which Russia and China are increasingly belligerent, and ISIS spreads its influence unchecked. So, the famous pivot to Asia is all that's left – and that hangs by the thread of the TPP.

Related: Clinton vs. Bush—Who Had the Better Speech?​

Meanwhile, the courts may squash other portions of his vaunted legacy. The Supreme Court will rule shortly on the fate of Obamacare; this time the Roberts Court may pull the plug on the program. In response, President Obama is indignant, and he is once again being dishonest about Obamacare. (See "lie of the year"2013: "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.")

In recent days, Obama has rebuked the Court for taking up King v. Burwell, and suggested that the challenge to state-provided subsidies is but one more GOP-led partisan assault on his signature healthcare program. He claims the language of the law is simply a goof; that it was always expected that everyone would be eligible for subsidized health insurance, whether or not their state had set up its own exchange.

Mr. Obama has one small problem: Jonathan Gruber. The MIT economist and architect of Obamacare – he who so memorably claimed the law would never have passed but for the stupidity of American voters – at a conference in 2012 said this: "What's important to remember politically about this is if you're a state and you don't set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get their tax credits."

Denying subsidies to those living in states that failed to set up their own exchanges was integral to the Affordable Care Act. It was the stick, and the carrot. But, it failed, because opposition to Obamacare was intense, and many state legislatures chose to not to participate. They recognized that the cost of setting up the exchange would be high, and that their citizens generally opposed the giant overturn of our healthcare industry. Those 37 states that did not set up their own exchanges were lawfully rejecting the president's healthcare program – a law passed with not one Republican vote.

Related: Obama Is Now Dangerously Close to Lame Duck Status

President Obama's large-scale executive action on immigration is also threatened by the courts. At the end of last month, the federal Fifth Circuit Court upheld an injunction from a judge in Texas that put the program on hold. As a result, Obama's plan to protect millions here illegally from deportation cannot be implemented. Twenty-six states have sued to overturn the program, claiming it had not been enacted legally; this initiative could remain mired in the courts for some time.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is deciding the fate of an impending 2012 Environmental Protection Agency rule that for the first time requires power plants to reduce emissions of mercury and other pollutants. The case hinges on whether the EPA's estimate of $9.6 billion in annual costs emanating from the regulation is, as required under the Clean Air Act, "appropriate and necessary." A negative ruling would set back Mr. Obama's environmental program, which has largely relied on EPA regulations rather than laws established by Congress.

The founders of our country understood that too much power in the hands of the executive branch was unwise. In the past seven years we have seen that they were correct. President Obama has backed one major measure after another that Americans dislike; unlike most of his predecessors, Mr. Obama has never moderated his positions to reflect the country's opposition. Thankfully, we have checks and balances on the president's authority provided through Congress and our court system. President Obama's real legacy may well be reaffirming the wisdom of those constitutional restraints.

Top Reads from The Fiscal Times:

Sanders Suddenly is Moving Up on Clinton in New Hampshire​ More Dangerous Than Cocaine, Cheaper Than a Big Mac ​ The 8 Most Donald Trump Things Donald Trump Said in Announcing His Presidential Run ​​

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: KISS OUR ANTI-GOVT @SS: NYT Says, Anti-Govt Types Are The Source Of 'Ideological Violence' in USA

from cattastrophy on 06/18/2015 11:15 PM

First off Doofie, not trying to be one that knows everything...but someone is going to have to show you how to connect your links because when they come up on Zangle it does not show the complete links so that people can read your proof but gives just enough to copy and paste and then hunt for the article.

NOW., Girl I could not agree with your more. We here in American are so used to looking behind us to see it a terrorist is going to shoot us that we forget the homegrown terrorists right here in our own country.

Look at the most recent shooting. Whiteboy goes into a black church attends a bible meeting WITH a UNITED STATES SENATOR there and shoots 9 people. Killing the Senator AND the minister.

Hey if this were anything thing else I don't think that I would be saying anything. BUT, when you go into the house of God knowing damn well in your mind and heart just exactly what you are going to do and shoot nine blacks then that is when I start opening my big Catholic mouth.

I am not one that stand with the race card thing but this is one time that I fully stand with the blacks on this issue AND THAT IS COMING FROM A NATIVE AMERICAN who knows from the stories of my grandfather how we were treated.

No, my dear sweet friend, it is the home grown terrorists that we should be thinking about. THEY are the ones that are the ANTI-GOVERNMENT supporters...not patriots like you and I.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven



80, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 57

Re: ISIS: Still Raging Hell as White House Dithers : Sonya Sasser

from cattastrophy on 06/18/2015 10:43 PM

Doofie, this is one time I have to disagree with post.


I have a very dear frined of mine who is a retired police chief. We are so close that we seem to know what each other is going to do before we do it.

He retired 6 weeks befor 9/11/2001, and fact being we were to have a birthday party at his house, mainly because ofhis pool, the day the towers fell. Some birthday I had that day. Needless to say the party was cancelled. We each tried to do our patriotic duty in retaliation for what Osma did that day. Bush make it quite clear that OBL was responsible for this...and as a sidebar ever notice the closeness of the names OSama and OBama?

He and his wife decided to travel to New York to help with the rescue and later to Iraq to teach the Iraqi how to be police officers. After all he did teach classes at the Police in Toledo three times a week. About a week later Denny was on his way to Iraq by invitation of the Iraqi government to train some of their men to be police officers.

I decided, with the permission of my wife to take my discharge down to the Marine recruiters office to show I was an Officer in the Army and that I wanted to do my part. Well, it is quite evident that I did not get my chance to put a cap in Osamas ass but what made me damned proud and American was the recuriter handed back my discharge, I though I was in the military again, and stood ordered the other recruiters in the office to stand and all saluted me with the recuriter telling me I had did my duty to my country already in VietNam. Doofie, I was so damned proud that day that I would not help but salute them back and thanked them all for THEIR service to my country.

I went home and cried like a baby.

That's why when Obama opens his pie hole I know that nothing but bullschitt is going to come out.

Look deep in the eyes of a man and you can tell what truth if any is in his heart - My Apache Grandfather...Gosheven

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