The truth about Sodahead .com Part 1

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60, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 33

The truth about Sodahead .com Part 1

from Mopvyzo_USA on 06/20/2015 12:54 PM

Polling website / social network SodaHead .com kicked of ALL it's users without notice..
Since I had a real conflict about how right-wing oriented and bigoted the website was managed
The Sodahead polls were rigged in the advantage of the Conservative Christian Right..
The Polls by Users were trolled manipulated with fake accounts ..
Critics were silenced and deactivated..
In other word, time to publish the truth and show the real Sodahead .com

Mopvyzo USA


Deleted user

Re: The truth about Sodahead .com Part 1

from Scooter on 06/20/2015 05:40 PM

I heard they have SH on Facebook now.



60, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 33

Re: The truth about Sodahead .com Part 1

from Mopvyzo_USA on 06/21/2015 02:37 AM


Yes they do.

Mopvyzo USA



38, female

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 24

Re: The truth about Sodahead .com Part 1

from EternalSailorSol on 06/21/2015 04:36 AM

Good for you posting the truth about SodaHead. It was cold-hearted of the staff on SodaHead to kick us all off like that. 

just wondering, Did you post Part 2, on Zangle yet?


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