Jeb Bush’s Tall Tales by Mychal Massie

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Jeb Bush’s Tall Tales by Mychal Massie

from Doofiegirl on 09/24/2015 10:45 PM

Jeb Bush must be credited with the biggest lie of the evening during the Republican Presidential Debate on CNN. It is entirely possible that his was singularly the most transparent lie that will be told throughout the entire presidential campaign. Bigger even than Christy claiming to be good for America.


Bush was questioned about his $100 million campaign stash and what favors he would be expected to deliver upon pursuant to those who made the donations. Bush, with a straight face, claimed that no favors were expected in return for the massive donations Karl Rove and Reince Priebus are securing for him.
If Bush can lie with a straight face about the favors the bankers, corporate heads, big pharmaceuticals, et al, expect in return for their contributing tens of millions of dollars to him, what else is he willing to lie about? Even a six-year old understands that people give to get. Bush is bought and paid for by the same entities (excluding the Koch brothers and George Soros) who buy and pay for Democrats.

My goodness, we expect a person sharing a ride with us, to pay for tolls and/or offer to pay for gas; and Bush wants us to believe he is receiving tens of millions of dollars from donors just because he is bi-lingual and a nice guy?

We have Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and Lindsay Graham trying to convince us that they are best suited to occupy the Oval Office. Here again, they, like Bush, can say whatever they want but the facts are the facts and their track records as Congressmen are beneath abysmal.

Kasich loves to boast himself as a Reagan Republican. The reality is that the closest he comes to being like President Reagan was eating jellybeans in a Congressional office. Which means nothing; heck, I've eaten jellybeans in the Dirksen Room of the Senate Building and I am darn sure more of a Reagan Republican than Kasich. (For those unfamiliar, President Reagan loved jellybeans and they were in abundance in the White House and throughout Congressional meeting rooms.)

As for Graham, he along with his feckless counterparts have broken promise after promise to We the People. Rubio lied about his support for amnesty. And now they want us to believe they are the only ones who are telling the truth – that they can turn things around. Which is laughable because in reality they are running for Cabinet positions not the Oval Office, and if they were interested in restoring America their Congressional records would give evidence of same.

This is an important election. If candidates are willing to lie to get elected, what can we expect from them if they are elected? Obama and Clinton set new standards for dishonesty and absence of integrity during their campaigns and it carried over exponentially into their administrations.

One evening over dinner at Bullfeathers, the Capitol Hill Restaurant and Bar, a friend with unimpeachable credentials told me that Karl Rove had lamented it was necessary for him to use the Christian base to get George W. Bush reelected. That was fall 2003 and yet today Karl Rove is still pulling the strings of the Bush family. Based on a book he had ghostwritten and/or a three-minute interview on FoxNews – there are those people who argue Karl Rove is a true conservative.

As I have said before, I am not an ophthalmologist. If people refuse to see and reject factuality there is nothing I can do. However, I am not an ideologue. I do not hold my nose and vote nor do I vote out of fear or for the lesser of two evils.

Karl Rove has clandestinely worked to undermine true conservatives and the record of same is readily available for all to see and read. The fact that he has gone to great machinations in an attempt to ensure a Jeb Bush presidency may be his mission, but our mission must be to make sure that never happens.

One last thing: For Jeb Bush to claim that it would be necessary for him to rely upon the same old neocons who advised his father and brother because, as he put it, they are the only ones familiar with the complexities of the Middle East – may sound good – but a song sung out of tune can sound good to someone with a tin ear.

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