Cities without borders

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66, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 3

Cities without borders

from Temlakos on 06/10/2015 07:56 PM

A polity--a city or a nation-state--without borders is no polity at all. An America without borders will soon not be the America we knew.

Cities without borders



63, female

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 8

Re: Cities without borders

from Skowcog on 06/10/2015 08:10 PM

It is a national suicide.  I have no doubt that the NWO people are pushing for this.
I can't believe how these liberals think that  they can change human behavior.
Nationalism is a much more complex tribe but a tribe nonetheless.  That is how mankind as naturally organzized itself since the beggining.  When will the madness stop!



72, male

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 16

Re: Cities without borders

from Zbacku on 06/10/2015 08:24 PM

We know that, most of America knows that, and those that want to destroy America knows it too.  That's why the Democrats have destroyed all security on the border.



63, female

  Zangle Expert

Posts: 8

Re: Cities without borders

from Skowcog on 06/10/2015 10:07 PM

yeah it is on purpose.  I don't doubt do we prove it and then stop it.  That is the problem isn't it.  Proving that somethng that is nefarious and distant. And once we can prove may fall apart but I doubt they will give it up with out a royal battle,.

BTW glad to see you here!



98, male

  Zangle Debator

Posts: 3

Re: Cities without borders

from chance1776 on 06/24/2015 03:09 AM

All across America, a quiete rage is building against the assult upon American Values.

More so then ever before in the History of America, the concerns & patience of her people are being
Tested, Tried, and Attacked by Elitists that are Hell-bent on the distruction of this Country.
I would have used the word Nation, as in 1 Nation
incappable of being divided...



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