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98, male

  Zangle Debator

Posts: 3

Re: Confederate Flag Controversy

from chance1776 on 06/24/2015 03:49 AM

if History doesn't piss one off now an then, it's not doing it's job correctly.

last time I looked, there was no Law against having opposing viewpoints
afterall, this is America as you stated

while reading the latest from  Chicago Tribune 
shooting victims

Last updated June 23, 2015  
Jan. 1, 2015 - June 23, 2015


shooting victims

can we blame a flag or not?
you seen the picture of Ted Cruz facing a gun?
just amagine the same gun pointed at a LIBERAL
the controversy would be tearful and hatefilled   



98, male

  Zangle Debator

Posts: 3

Re: Cities without borders

from chance1776 on 06/24/2015 03:09 AM

All across America, a quiete rage is building against the assult upon American Values.

More so then ever before in the History of America, the concerns & patience of her people are being
Tested, Tried, and Attacked by Elitists that are Hell-bent on the distruction of this Country.
I would have used the word Nation, as in 1 Nation
incappable of being divided...




98, male

  Zangle Debator

Posts: 3

Re: Well; have any of the Sodahead "rejects" shown up yet??

from chance1776 on 06/24/2015 02:16 AM

I knew of this site awhile ago, debated about on comming here, (where the hell) is the spell check, I wanna delete it
can I swear on here? to late already did.
When the Storm breaks, I'll be sure to check my ranks for any weasals known as FEF

( Please take care of kindness amongst others) WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
I say 
check your feelings at the door 



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